Time to Make a Change?
Addiction and Trauma Recovery Services
Addiction doesn't just affect the individual. Addiction impacts the entire family, causing emotional, psychological, and financial turmoil.
Without help, it can be difficult to break free from the unmanaged lifestyles that sustain and perpetuate addiction, destructive patterns, unhealthful choices, and harmful relationships.
Restoring relational connection, resolving conflict, and improving communication.

Here is what our clients said…
I felt like I was managing my addiction and was convinced it would never go past pornography, but reality sunk in when things got worse. Shasta Blue Sky and the Transformation Center gave me the opportunity to heal in an environment that was safe and full of trained professionals with many years of experience helping people out of their addictive cycles and on the path to recovery. There will never be a day I'll look back and regret spending money on something that brought me so much closer to freedom.
The addiction program has given me the power to make my own choices again. I am in charge of my own life and decisions. I am on the offensive and not just reacting to my circumstances. I am so thankful for this program it truly has given me the much needed encouragement, foundation and support to take charge of my life.
I was a youth pastor who was depressed, anxious, and suicidal. I was given practical tools to overcome and I found the Father’s love for me. I was completely delivered and set free with the presence of God and paved the way for me to overcome and encounter the healing power of Jesus.
I was addicted to co-dependency and my husband was lost in porn. There was a lot of learning and letting go for us both, but the love we have now is real and without shame.
I was empty and never talked about the horrible things that happened to me when I was young until I found this safe place and the courage to heal.
By being in this group, it has helped me overcome so many wounds from the past and become the man the Lord has always wanted me to be. It has saved my life and my marriage.